Tuesday, January 11, 2011

happy homemaker tags

I've got my tags for January ready for the Happy Homemaker tag swap but now I have to figure out how to "link up!" I watched the tutorial from Brent Riggs but not sure if I really understand how to do this. It is my first time.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm so excited to see your tags. I couldn't figure out for a while how to get to your blog until I found your recent comment. Individuals are trying to get to your tag, but something isn't right with the little button. I just posted my own; so I know it is working. Step 1. funwithauntkadralouise.blogspot.com MINIMIZE YOUR SCREEN, OPEN A NEW PAGE, Go back to your blog. Step 2. Go to your Edit Post and click View for your tag that features your post with paper choices (cute Home Ec Book!), highlight with your mouse what appears at the top of your computer AFTER http:// and then go back to your McLinky screen and PASTE. Step 3. Call your photo something Step 4. Choose FIRST button on LEFT to choose your image from the files on your computer, NOT the button on the right. BROWSE will appear, (choose photo) click FINISH. Let me know if this works! Today is the last day to post! Thank you so much for your wonderful them behind your tag. A New Year's baby, How Wonderful! Elizabeth
