Thursday, April 26, 2012


Why can I get on facebook everyday several times a day but never get on my blog? I have plenty of time during the day and evening hours......I guess its more fun to see what everyone else is doing than to post what I am doing. I take photos thinking, "thats a good one for the blog....but will it ever get posted?" What is post worthy? I have had a really good week....Monday I took a project my daughter and I worked on over the weekend to school for her. Tuesday I took that daughter prom dress shopping and we had so much fun! She is so slender and tall, almost like a real life Barbie doll, except I spend a LOT of money on her clothes. And we found so many dresses she looked beautiful in, the store we went to last stayed open an extra 30 minutes helping us decide on which dress to get! Wednesday I painted and decorated a dollhouse my Mom was going to throw away. It looks like a little beach cottage! I love it and I'm trying to decide if I should give it to her for Mothers Day???? Today, Thursday, I talked to my son that is an exchange student in Germany and he put a photo on facebook and he looks so grown up!! I can hardly wait till he gets home! Hurry up June 23rd!!!! Tomorrow I will be going to my Mom's house to help clean her garage so my sister and I can have a garage sale on May 4th there.
Just thought I'd pop in a photo of the bluebonnets from Texas that are down the road from my house and say see ya'll later!

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